

Tim & Lea Ann Sullivan
Senior Pastor

Tim Sullivan was elected the Senior Pastor at TPC Poteau in 2020. He also serves as Senior Pastor to TPC Fort Smith and Bishop to TPC Fayetteville. He and his wife, Lea Ann, moved to Fort Smith with their three daughters, Kaitlyn, Malorie and Gabrielle. They were married in 1989, after graduating from Jackson College of Ministries with Bachelor’s Degrees in Theology and Music, and have served side-by-side ever since. Pastor Sullivan has filled the roles of Assistant Pastor, Pastor and Church Planter in Washington, Louisiana, and Texas, as well as evangelizing across the country and around the globe. Since God has brought the Sullivan family to TPC, the church has experienced continuous growth under their dynamic leadership. Pastor Sullivan is a driven and optimistic leader, with an impassioned vision to see the Kingdom of God expand in the River Valley. He remains a sought-after itinerant speaker, and is also currently serving as District Secretary for the Arkansas District UPCI. Sis. Sullivan serves the TPC body as both Ladies’ Coordinator and Music Director. Her quick wit and inherent kindness contribute to the family-oriented atmosphere at TPC. She and Pastor Sullivan are a joyful couple, and their girls are enthusiastic participators in ministry. They strive to ensure that TPC is a safe haven for people of all walks of life, and that the Gospel and the love of Jesus Christ shine brightly in all they do.